Pacific's 通识教育课程 exposes students to areas of study outside of their major.  在他们的通识教育课堂上, students develop essential knowledge and 技能 that are transferable to other courses at Pacific as well as to their personal and public lives. 博彩平台网址大全通识教育计划的使命是促进自我理解, 公民身份, 职业发展.


The General Education (GE) Program is the core of a 博彩平台网址大全 undergraduate education. The GE program cultivates habits of intellectual inquiry grounded in the liberal arts tradition and enriches a specialized field of study with an understanding of its scientific, 人文主义的, 以及艺术背景. General education courses allow undergraduate students to collaborate across diverse intellectual and disciplinary boundaries and to develop the knowledge, 技能, 以及在多元化社会中取得成功所必需的态度, 复杂的, 不断变化的世界.



  • 批判性和综合性思考者: 学生应该能够综合和转移到新的学习, 太平洋地区内外的复杂局势.
  • 创造性的问题解决者: Students should demonstrate an understanding of what it takes to move from ambiguous goals with incomplete information to design, 评估, 并实施策略以实现预期目标.
  • 有效的沟通者: 学生应该能够写作, 说话, and present their ideas and conclusions through a variety of mediums to diverse audiences.
  • 具有全球意识和道德参与的公民: Students should be able to articulate their own cultural understandings and how they differ from others, 以同理心和道德的方式适应不熟悉的生活方式, and participate in society in ways that are personally enriching and 社会ly beneficial to their communities. 


The Pacific General Education CORE courses introduce and develop transferable 技能 in critical thinking, 解决问题, 口头和书面交流对个人来说是至关重要的, 学术, 以及职业上的成功. 

CORE 001 introduces students to the demands of interdisciplinary, university-level inquiry. 在CORE 001中, students begin to acquire the 技能 necessary to become self-motivated learners who can work independently and collaboratively to solve 复杂的 problems. Such grounding will help students develop the agency and flexibility necessary to navigate a rapidly changing political, 社会, 经济环境. 

CORE 001的主题各不相同, 但是所有的部分都向学生介绍批判性思维, 信息素养, 解决问题 and oral communication rather than a mandated series of readings or writing assignments. CORE 001 is taught by faculty who are committed to supporting students in their transition to university-level critical inquiry. CORE 001部分经常包含实地考察, 演讲嘉宾, 合作研究, 多媒体项目,积极参与班级活动. 

Students will develop the writing and critical thinking 技能 necessary for college-level 学术 writing and careful reasoning. Individual course sections will be thematic in nature and will vary to allow for focused exploration of 复杂的 issues and contexts though the active and engaged close reading of literary and other texts. Students will develop their reading and reasoning 技能 through seminar-style classroom discussion and receive writing instruction to help them develop prose that is clear, 简洁的, 细致入微的, 和有说服力的. 


The 通识教育课程 beyond the 核心的研讨会 provides students with considerable choice but within a framework that ensures they gain essential knowledge and 技能. 在他们顾问的帮助下, students choose Areas of Inquiry courses that interest them or that relate to other courses in their planned course of study.


艺术的过程 & 创作课程让学生通过实践来理解创作艺术, 表演, 或分析, providing students with opportunities to develop their own creative voice through creation and/or 表演 and to communicate ideas and information through art. 在这种情况下, 创造性艺术被定义为包括传统的视觉艺术, 数字媒体, 表演艺术, 还有创意写作. 

公民 & 全球责任 courses guide students through analysis of the 社会 and political considerations necessary for making a difference in the civic life of their communities or in the larger global community. Students completing this requirement will demonstrate an understanding of the need and avenues for civic engagement, 与持不同观点的人相互尊重的能力, 以及反思自己作为公民角色的能力. 

语言 & 叙述 courses help students understand structures of communication through literary or rhetorical analysis and/or 语言 study, 其中可能包括数字通信. 

定量推理 courses enable students to analyze and interpret information using quantitative methods. 

科学探究 courses foster student understanding of the concepts and methodologies of a scientific discipline. Students completing this requirement will gain practice in critical and integrative thinking through prediction and experimentation in a laboratory or field environment. 

社会调查 courses promote the understanding of 社会 structures and human relationships. Students completing a 社会调查 course will be introduced to creative 解决问题 from available information and will demonstrate an ability to find and 评估 information from a variety of sources. 

世界的角度 & 伦理课程引导学生学习价值体系, 存在的方式, 以及从多个角度理解世界的方式, 国际视角, 并反思自己的世界观. 

Students can satisfy GE requirements with a 4 or higher for Advanced Placement and a 5 or higher for Higher Level 国际学士学位. 大学先修课程总共最多28个单元, 国际学士学位, DANTES和/或CLEP测试结果可用于太平洋学位, 包括通识教育范畴. 

多样性 & 夹杂物的要求

学生还要选择至少一种多样性 & 包含课程.  

多样性 & 包容性课程可能出现在上述任何类别中, 或者在主修或辅修课程中. 多样性 & 包容性课程将帮助学生表达, 包括书面和口头形式, 差异的概念是如何在社会等级的框架内发挥作用的. 差异可以用年龄等概念来定义, class, 公民身份, 残疾, 种族, 性别认同, 语言, 国籍, 比赛, 宗教, 性取向, 和/或社会经济地位.)更多信息,请单击 在这里

托马斯J. 长基金核心奖学金

每年, scholarships are available to students who demonstrate 学术 excellence in their general education courses (including Pacific Seminars).  Awards are also given to faculty for achievement and innovation in general education courses. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 通识教育办事处 或者是 财政援助网站.

作为大学通识教育计划的一部分, all students must demonstrate proficiency in the areas of writing and quantitative analysis (math).  Students are placed into fundamental 技能 courses based on information supplied at admission.  为了获得学士学位或第一个专业学位, 必须满足这些要求.  有关更多信息,请单击 在这里.


